What’s Happening

Advent 2023

JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE ADVENT 2023 As Advent comes again to a weary world, we ask, “How does a weary world rejoice?” From the opening chapters of Luke’s Gospel. This Advent we will be… READ MORE >

Meat pies are back!

Beef—Chicken—Vegetarian All pies are $7 each Orders must be placed by December 1st, 2023 You can place orders through Bruce Cunnington by email or by phone at 905 873 0729. Pick up will be Sunday… READ MORE >

The Outreach team us supporting Links2Care Holiday Giving Program again this year. We have "adopted" 3 families and 2 seniors this year. If you would like to contribute to putting together gift bags for these… READ MORE >

Fill a Purse for a Sister Campaign We will be collecting purses again this year for the Fill a Purse for a Sister Campaign. The campaign is in conjunction with SHIP. Donate a gently used or… READ MORE >

Kairos Blanket Exercise

Saturday September 30th KAIROS Blanket Exercise from 2 to 4pm with a Q&A at 4:30pm. Join Laura-Lee Campbell, Métis, and Daisy Radigan and as they lead us through the Kairos Blanket Exercise. The KBE is… READ MORE >

September 6th – Mid Week Breath

Welcome to Midweek Breath in the summer. Throughout the summer we are sharing a weekly resource so you can continue to enjoy the blessing of the guided meditations in our Midweek Breath. We get back… READ MORE >

August 30th – Mid Week Breath

Welcome to Midweek Breath in the summer. Throughout the summer we are sharing a weekly resource so you can continue to enjoy the blessing of the guided meditations in our Midweek Breath. We get back… READ MORE >

August 14th – Mid Week Breath

Welcome to Midweek Breath in the summer. Throughout the summer we are sharing a weekly resource so you can continue to enjoy the blessing of the guided meditations in our Midweek Breath. We get back… READ MORE >

August 7th – Mid Week Breath

Welcome to Midweek Breath in the summer. Throughout the summer we are sharing a weekly resource so you can continue to enjoy the blessing of the guided meditations in our Midweek Breath. We get back… READ MORE >

The UNITED 4 HOSPICE (U4H) team is made up of volunteers from the four Georgetown Area United Churches who are working together to assist the Townsend Smith Foundation (TSF) with its goal to build North… READ MORE >