Support Norval United Church

Ways you can financially support Norval United Church

Thank you for considering a donation to Norval United.  We deeply appreciate the financial support of so many people in the community.  There are a variety of ways to give to the work of the church.


E-transfers can be emailed to   We suggest the Security Code giftnuc.  That email address is monitored regularly and we are immediately made aware of an e-transfer.

Online donations

You can give through your credit card or debit card at our CanadaHelps webpage.  Click on Online Giving and click on the Donate Now button.  If you think you might make more than one donation through CanadaHelps through the year, it might be helpful to create a Donor Account there to accumulate your donations for receipt purposes.

Cheque in the mail

Cheques should be made out to:
Norval United Church
14015 Danby Road
Georgetown, ON
L7G 5S6

Pre Authorized Remittance (PAR)

PAR is a wonderful way to ensure your gifts to your church are fulfilled, even when you cannot attend Sunday Worship on a regular basis.  If you are interested in signing up for PAR, please select the PAR Authorization Form below or contact the church office for more information. 

Charitable donation receipts for donations received through PAR, E-Transfer, cheque in mail and donation envelope will be sent out after the end of the year.  CanadaHelps issues a charitable donation receipt directly to you on their website. Thanks, again, for your support in this way.