August 30th – Mid Week Breath

Welcome to Midweek Breath in the summer. Throughout the summer we are sharing a weekly resource so you can continue to enjoy the blessing of the guided meditations in our Midweek Breath. We get back to our weekly, live Midweek Breath starting on September 13th via Zoom.

Open Your Heart and Love Yourself

A Prayer

God for everything there is a time, and time has become a most precious commodity. Our clocks are always running.

From birth to death:
during times of joy and sorrow:
work and play:
business and pleasure:
speech and silence:
worship and church activities:
tick, tock, tick, tock.

We have such long to-do lists.
Slow us down God,
and for now simply remind us that
only one thing is needful,
that we be still before you
and know that you are God.


Guided Meditation


That which is worthy of doing, create with your hands.
That which is worthy of repeating, speak with a clear voice.
That which is worthy of remembering, hold in your hearts.
And that which is worthy of living, go and live it now.


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