The Visioning and Discernment Report is in!
Earlier this year Norval United contracted with Credence & Co. in Guelph to guide us in a process of visioning and discernment. We are happy to share the report here. The Executive has received the recommendations of the 2Dream Team and will be holding a special Executive Team meeting in July to flesh out priorities for the Norval Congregation.
As we slowly come out of pandemic restrictions we are excited, finally, to be living into our new building and dreaming more broadly about where God is calling us to go and what we can do and be for the community.
Please download the report by click the button at the bottom of the page and let us know what you think. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions we would love to hear from you. You can send us an email or you can reach out to Helga Kennedy, Chair of the Executive and 2Dream Team member.