Online Event: From Fear to Empowerment
Posted on August 17, 2021
At Norval United we are excited to announce an educational partnership with Susan and Jim Garrod-Schuster, colleagues, and friends in ministry. This live online event is designed to assist in living an empowered life with less stress, greater ease, and more potential.
The pandemic has turned our world upside down in so many ways. We have faced so many situations that have challenged us, stressed us out, made us fearful. Some people may be asking “Where has my joy gone, my light-heartedness, my sense of simple happiness? “
Susan approached us at Norval United to see if we would be interested in promoting this live online event called “The 3 Keys to Moving from Fear to Empowerment”.
We know Susan, her work, her style. We are happy to promote this event! This is being offered exclusively to people connected with Norval United Church, their family and friends. There is no charge to attend.
If this sounds like something you would be interested in, if you want to learn more, or to register for the event, please click HERE or on the infographic below.
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